Apple's up to something.
Well as a computer geek, I love new stuff and especialy new technology. And well I have to admit, to Vanessa's delight I am sure, that Apple is starting to kick major ass in the field. According to one of Think Secret latest article, Apple would soon be coming up with a 3.5 inches screen ipod with a tactile-wheel screen instead of a click wheel. Sunday's La Presse also spoke of new patent that would let users use their screen as in Minority Report or as in The Matrix, moving icons, resizinng programs or even typing straight on the "screen".
Predictions: if Microsoft and the other hardware compagnies don't get off their asses, Apple will become the techno master of the world.
This is also my new dream drooling toy. The 30 inches one.
Glad you're coming along...
Apple will soon rule the world... hahahahahahahaha
ok... enough
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